Monthly articles

Monthly articles

Is an Investment Advisor Really Worth the Investment Advisory Fee?

A recent survey indicates that an increasing number of high net worth investors are willing to pay for solid, unbiased, fee-only investment advice, which is not surprising considering the challenges of today’s markets.

Vigilance and Diligence are Your First Defense Against Fraudsters and Identity Thieves

There can never be enough law enforcement to protect everyone from those who are intent on perpetrating scams or frauds. At any one time, there are thousands of operators posing as legitimate businesses or investors offering the deal of a lifetime, and they are connecting with tens of millions of people each day on the phone, over the Internet and through the mail.

Don’t Let Email Hackers Spoof Your Advisor into Wire Fraud

You may be aware of some of the more prevalent fraudster activities, such as “phishing” which fraudsters use to trick you out of sensitive information.

The Art and Science of Asset Allocation

Many investors have heard the term “asset allocation” at one time or another. From the first time we sign up for a 401k plan at the office all the way through the conversations we have with financial planners in retirement we are bombarded with messages about the importance of proper asset allocation.

What are your Portfolio Performance Expectations?

In the story of Alice in Wonderland, Alice arrives at a fork in the road and wonders aloud which road to take. A smiling Cheshire Cat appears and asks her what her destination is, to which she replies, “I don’t know.” The toothy cat then proffers the only possible response, “Well, then it doesn’t matter.”

Identity Theft – How to Safeguard Your Identity

It’s something most Americans don’t think about until it hits the headlines, such as last year when major retailer, Target, revealed that its data base of shopper credit and debit card numbers had been breached. Yet, nearly 15 percent of the population - more than 34 million adults - has reported some form of identity theft, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center.

Are You Under Cyber-Assault? How to Protect Yourself

Do you know who is on the other end of that email address? It might not be as apparent as you think. Can you be sure someone isn’t watching every move you make on your computer?  You can’t see them, but they can see every keystroke. We are all under the constant threat of a cyber-assault. Are you protected?

How to Decide Between Term and Whole Life Insurance

Once the need for life insurance is determined, the discussion almost invariably turns to the choice of term life insurance versus whole life or permanent insurance. Any comparison of the two, however, is like considering apples and oranges with each satisfying very specific needs, preferences and priorities.

Building Your Family Protection Plan

Life is full of uncertainty and the best laid financial plans must account for the unexpected.

Our Biggest Financial Challenges are often Self-Inflicted

In many respects, people can be their own worst enemies in their quest for financial security. When you consider that our lives are nothing more than a culmination of the decisions we make each day, if we tend to make more bad decisions than good decisions, or worse, if we can’t make decisions at all, it’s should be no surprise when financial security  remains elusive.

Osaic Wealth Form CRS

Securities and investment advisory services offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Osaic Wealth is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Osaic Wealth.  Osaic Wealth does not provide tax or legal advice. 13 Bridgeville Road Georgetown, DE 19947

This communication is strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of CA, DE, FL, GA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, TX and VA. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside the specific state(s) referenced. 

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