Monthly articles

Monthly articles

Debt After Death – Do You Have it Covered?

Many people deal with credit card debt all of their lives with most of them giving little or no thought to what happens with their debt after they die. The fact that nearly 60% die without a will is a strong indication that they’ve given absolutely no thought to it.

Debt After Death – Do You Have it Covered?

Many people deal with credit card debt all of their lives with most of them giving little or no thought to what happens with their debt after they die. The fact that nearly 60% die without a will is a strong indication that they’ve given absolutely no thought to it.

Investing Made Mobile: 5 Apps for the Smart Investor

The stock market is a fast-flying, quick U-turn, up and down game to play. It’s both exhilarating and exhausting. And, if you’re like most people, you’re exceedingly grateful for your financial advisor, broker, and/or portfolio manager. They keep your market investments growing (generally), and give you peace of mind when it comes to overall stock market stability.

Finance 101: A Lesson in Helping your Student Pay for College

You think back fondly on those halcyon collegiate days--studying in the quad, late-night pizza, tailgating for the big tailgating game, dorm living, tossing your graduation cap in the air...beyond the lifelong friends and the parties and fun, college helped you get to where you are today.

6 Easy Organization Tips to Take Time off of Taxes

As the saying goes there are two things that are inevitable: death and taxes. And, out of those two sure things, you can only really plan for your taxes. It should be no surprise when tax season surely and steadily rolls around again, yet every year there are plenty of individuals who file for a tax extension (in 2014 there were approximately 12 million Americans who did so).

3 Risk Factors that Can Improve Portfolio Performance

For as long as there has been stock markets, investors have intuitively known that expectations of returns come with commensurate expectations of risk; the higher return one expects the greater the risk one assumes in order to achieve it.

Social Networking: How to Benefit Without Losing Your Identity Online

Businesses of all types are taking advantage of the enormous potential of social networking sites for business development, customer communications and public relations.  The largest networking site, Facebook, has over 1.6 billion users which present a business with a significant opportunity to expand its reach to target markets beyond what the traditional marketing strategies can accompli

Managing Student Loan Debt Through Consolidation

The figures out last year show that the average amount of student loan debt a student graduates with is a little more than $35,000.  Most graduates are carrying multiple student loans from multiple sources, and the cost and complexity of managing them can become overwhelming, especially if they are unable to secure steady employment with sufficient cash flow to make the payments.

Is the Pokémon Go Game App Inviting Hackers into Your Phone?

You may have seen them around town – teenagers, adults, even senior citizens – walking around like zombies with their gaze fixed on their smartphones held inches from their face. Searching in a parallel virtual world for Pokémon characters, they stumble onto streets and walk through gardens, rarely lifting their heads to see what is in front of them.

Why Bear Markets Don’t Matter

If you’ve been listening to the financial media of late you have no doubt heard some of the so-called experts prognosticating on the prospect of the next big bear market. Unquestionably, the stock market is at another crossroads, and its 7 percent increase year-to-date belies the concerns that most people have over the global economy.

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